As hydrogen emerges as a big player in the global clean 能源 market, the materials 和 infrastructure involved in its generation, 运输, 分布, 和 存储 are presenting new challenges to the industry. im体育APP has extensive technical expertise in testing materials, 涂层, 和电化学 in environmental conditions.
作为能量载体, 氢(H2)有许多优点:它可以用于内燃机或燃料电池, producing virtually no greenhouse 气体 emissions when combusted with oxygen.
氢 can be transported, 存储, 和 even blended with other sources such as natural 气体 to reduce CO2 emissions. 所谓的“绿色”氢是由可再生能源发电产生的,比如 风力发电 or solar cells instead of fossil fuels allows CO2-free 能源 production.
测试 in a hydrogen environment
氢-related technologies for production, 存储, 运输, 和 utilization are evolving, 了解它们是当今世界能源和可持续发展的重要组成部分.
With decades of experience in testing 和 qualification of materials, im体育APP已做好充分准备,并积极参与安全氢相关技术的进一步开发和应用, 强调测试, 描述, 和 qualification of materials, 两种金属, 和聚合物, exposed to hydrogen-containing environments.
im体育APP supports customers with their 碳捕获使用 & 存储项目(CCUS), developing fuel tanks for the 航空航天 和 运输 工业,以及 氢气管道 和 存储 facilities for the 能源 部门.
这些测试场景的结果将应用于基于断裂力学的氢气密封和运输部件的设计方法中,例如 steel piping systems 和 pipelines that carry 气体eous hydrogen. 这将, 反过来, 显著减少对结构材料脆性和亚临界裂纹扩展引起的灾难性破坏的担忧.
氢 testing under cryogenic conditions
氢 can be 存储 binding it to chemical compounds 和 as a 气体 or liquid. Storage of H2 as a 气体 typically requires high pressures up to 800 bar, 而它的沸点为-253°C,需要低温才能保持液态.
用于液氢储罐的材料的特性和鉴定, im体育APP offers a full range of 低温测试 对于机械和 断裂力学 in cryogenic environments as low as -268 °C.
氢 permeation testing on polymers
Because of its small molecular size, hydrogen can permeate through polymeric (non-metallic) materials 比甲烷或其他传统上与化石燃料相关的气体要快得多. This needs to be quantified so that, 例如, 通过热塑性传输线壁的氢渗透量可以计算出来, as well as the losses through seals in compressors etc.
im体育APP在材料科学领域提供出色的知识和专业知识, 腐蚀, 涂料, 和电化学. Our engaged experts have state-of-the-art equipment to provide testing, 认证, 和 consulting for many areas of hydrogen-related technologies.
有关我们氢气测试能力的更多信息或要求报价, im体育APP 今天.
Whitepaper: Rapid Gas Decompression (RGD) Tests Involving 氢 Sulfide
im体育官方app下载Our modelling 和 模拟 work
im体育APP的 数字工程 team are utilizing modeling, 模拟, 数据科学和其他数字解决方案,以克服一系列氢项目中的复杂挑战.
阅读我们的 案例研究 了解我们如何与处于能源转型前沿的能源公司合作,推动项目向前发展.
阅读我们的 hydrogen 案例研究More 能源 测试 Services
我们专注于建模和仿真,以加速您的研究和开发计划, optimize your designs 和 support safe, 高效的操作.
Non-Destructive 测试 (NDT)
im体育APP's NDT services comply with a wide variety of industry st和ards, 政府合同, military specifications 和 unique customer requirements.
从环境 & 动态测试到高度专业化的测试,如鸟击和水动力沟测试, 我们是世界上最受认可的组件和系统制造商值得信赖的测试合作伙伴.
Our team includes Certified Welding Inspectors (CWI), Certified Welding Engineers (CWEng), 以及专门的im体育平台app下载技术人员来协助跨部门和应用的项目.
Carbon Capture 和 Storage
High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) Exposure 测试 Services
渗透 & 扩散试验
With a unique range of permeating capabilities for polymers, 热塑性塑料, elastomers 和 composites, we can simulate the high pressure 和 extreme temperatures found in deep wells, or the conditions in an automotive applications, utilities industry or chemical processing equipment.